吴王庙里阑干绣,huái gǔ yǒng xiù zhàng
黛眉点点黑云满。dài méi diǎn diǎn hēi yún mǎn
水车风筝飞翠黛,shuǐ chē fēng zhēng fēi cuì dài
春雨纱帽百花残。chūn yǔ shā mào bǎi huā cán
鸳鸯热,yuan yang rè
蜂儿舞,fēng ér wǔ
长短鲛绡角角动。cháng duǎn jiāo xiāo jiǎo dòng
鸂庙媚仙年少,xī qī miào mèi xiān nián shǎo
黛玉风流万元曹。dài yù fēng liú wàn yuán cáo
1. "咏绣障" refers to a poem that praises or describes the beauty of a "绣障" (xiù zhàng), which is a decorative screen made of embroidered silk. The screen is often used to divide spaces or as a backdrop for ritual ceremonies.
2. Pinyin is provided for each line to aid in pronunciation and understanding.