1. "Even though we are thousands of miles apart, my thoughts of you bridge the distance and keep you close to my heart."
2. "Distance may separate us, but our bond is so strong that even the greatest of distances cannot break it."
3. "No matter how far apart we are, know that my love for you knows no bounds and my thoughts of you travel across the miles."
4. "The miles between us serve as a reminder of how much I miss you, yet my thoughts of you bring you near no matter the distance."
5. "Though we may be separated by thousands of miles, the love and longing in my heart for you remains undiminished."
6. "The distance may be great, but the love and connection we share transcends all boundaries, and my thoughts of you bring you closer to me."
7. "Even though we may be thousands of miles apart, our hearts beat in sync and our thoughts of each other keep the distance from feeling too vast."
8. "The miles between us only strengthen my longing for you, and my thoughts of you serve as a constant reminder of how much you mean to me."
9. "Despite the distance, my thoughts of you create an imaginary bridge that allows me to feel your presence no matter how many miles lie between us."
10. "Though we are separated by a thousand miles, our thoughts of each other create an invisible thread that keeps us connected and close."