
日期: 2024-04-26 00:23:14 作者:雨晴

To adjust the brightness on a computer, you can usually do so through the settings or control panel. Here are general steps for adjusting brightness on different operating systems:

- **Windows**:
- Use the keyboard shortcuts: Press the "Fn" key along with the brightness adjustment keys (usually F5 and F6) on your laptop.
- Go to Settings > System > Display and adjust the brightness slider.

- **MacOS**:
- Use the keyboard shortcuts: Press the "F1" key to decrease brightness and "F2" key to increase brightness.
- Go to Apple menu > System Preferences > Displays and adjust the brightness slider.

- **Linux**:
- Use the keyboard shortcuts if supported by your system.
- Depending on the desktop environment, you may find brightness settings in the system settings or power management options.

If you have a desktop computer without built-in brightness controls, you may need to adjust the brightness directly on the monitor itself.