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小咪小莫烧麦歌词 小咪小莫烧麦歌词原文


Red cups and everybody everywhere

Hands in the air like we dont care

Cause we came to have so much fun now

Bet somebody here might have fun now

If youre not ready to go home

Can I get oh no

Cause we gonna go all night

Til we see the sunlight alright

So la da di da di we like to party

Dancing with Molly

Doing whatever we want

This is our house

This is our rules

And we cant stop

And we wont stop

Cant you see its we who own the night

Cant you see it we who bout that life

And we cant stop

And we wont stop

We run things things dont run we

Dont take nothing from nobody


Its our party we can do what we want

Its our party we can say what we want

Its our party we can do who we want

We can do who we want

We can do who we want

To my home girls here with the big girls

Shaking things up all over the world

Remember only God can save us

Forget the haters cause somebody loves ya

And everyone friend wanna me blue

Every friend wanna me too

We all so turned up here

Getting turned up yeah yeah yeah

So la da di da di we like to party

Dancing with Molly

Doing whatever we want

This is our house

This is our rules

And we cant stop

And we wont stop

Cant you see its we who own the night

Cant you see it we who bout that life

And we cant stop

And we wont stop

We run things things dont run we

Dont take nothing from nobody yeah yeah

Its our party we can do what we want

Its our party we can say what we want

Its our party we can do what we want

We can do what we want

We can do what we want

Its our party we can do what we want to

Its our house we can love who we want to

Its our song we can sing if we want to

Its my song I can say if I want to

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

And we cant stop

And we wont stop

Cant you see its we who own the night

Cant you see it we who bout that life

And we cant stop

And we wont stop

We run things things dont run we

Dont take nothing from nobody

Yeah yeah


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