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窥光歌词 窥光歌词和歌手


Hyperreal (超现实) - Flume (Harley Edward Streten)/Ku?ka

Written by:Flume

We pulled into the back road

Shimmering this way for

Wearing out its course end I could only dream about

What is it and why do its white noise

All seems too clear

Let it wash over me

Dont deserve it

Visions are hyperreal

All seems too clear

Let it wash over me

Dont deserve it

Visions are hyperreal

Rising from the vapour misted patterns voices left behind

From the vapour misted patterns can we stay a while

Guess Im sick of things being the same

Doesnt have to be every day never change

Just recycling things I thought were true when I was younger

But Im moving on I shouldve listened oh

The splinters left me blind I had to change my mind

But constantly it all seems too clear

Let it wash over me

Dont deserve it

Visions are hyperreal

Let it wash over me

Dont deserve it

Visions are hyperreal

Voices left behind left behind left behind left behind

Rising from rising from the vapour misted misted misted

Can we stay a while

Voices left behind left behind left behind left behind


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窥光歌词 窥光歌词和歌手

窥光歌词 窥光歌词和歌手

1、(窥光)的歌词:Hyperreal (超现实) - Flume (Harley Edward Streten)/Ku?kaWritten by:FlumeWe pulled into the back roadShimmering this way forWearing out its course end I could only dream...

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