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英语中秋节祝福简短句子 英语中秋节祝福简短句子有哪些

1、千好万好事事好,月圆情圆人团圆,祝:中秋节快乐,万事如意,心想事成!Thousands of good things, everything is good, the moon is round, people are reunited, I wish: Happy Mid Autumn Festival, all the best, wish everything!

2、月到中秋分外明,问候祝福伴你行,祝愿你人逢喜事精神爽,人团家圆事业成,幸福安康身体硬,心想事成你总赢,预祝中秋节快乐!On the Mid Autumn Festival is particularly bright, greetings and blessing with you line, I wish you every happy event, spirit cool, family circle career, happiness and health, hard body, wish you always win, I wish a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

3、饭局再多也没有我对你的祝福多,工作再累也没有我对你的牵挂累,为了能让我轻松你就应了我吧,中秋必须快乐幸福。The Mid Autumn Festival is too tired for me to be happy. I have to be happy for you.

4、嗨,嫦娥让我给你带个话,今年中秋给她留点月饼渣,她明年会给你送个大金月饼。祝中秋节快乐! Hi, Change asked me to give you a message. Leave some moon cake residue for her this mid autumn festival, and she will send you a golden moon cake next year. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

5、福星高照,喜气长留!祥云浮紫阁,喜气溢朱门!帘短能留月,楼高不碍云!兰经香风满,松窗夜月圆!Good luck and good luck! Auspicious cloud floating purple Pavilion, joy overflowing Zhumen! Curtain short can stay on the moon, high does not hinder the clouds! Orchid fragrance full, pine window night full moon!

6、今夜月明人尽望,不知秋思落谁家。送上香甜的月饼,连同一颗祝福的心!I dont know whose home to miss in autumn. Send sweet moon cake, together with a blessing heart!

7、月儿渐圆,情儿渐浓,心儿渐切,我代表全国人民提前祝你中秋快乐!以后收到的祝福都是我安排的`,为人要低调,千万莫声张。On behalf of the whole nation, I wish you a happy mid autumn festival in advance! After receiving the blessing is my arrangement, for people to be low-key, never sound Zhang.

8、用我的拥抱换你的转身,只需要一瞬间的决定,还有一秒钟的眼神,中秋到了,圆满的日子也就来临了,给团圆一个空间!With my hug for your turn, only a moment of decision, and a second of eyes, the Mid Autumn Festival is coming, the perfect day is coming, give a space for reunion!

9、中秋的月亮,在窗外静静地悬着。我楞楞地看着它,仿佛它是一面明镜,你我在互相注视,互致绵绵思意和祝福心上人中秋快乐! The moon of the Mid Autumn Festival is hanging quietly outside the window. I look at it, as if it is a mirror, you and I are looking at each other, mutual continuous thinking and wish my sweetheart a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

10、八月十五月儿圆,在这月圆人不圆的时候,远方的我衷心祝你万事如意。August 15 full moon, in this full moon is not round, I sincerely wish you all the best in the distance.

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